PCP Satisfaction Survey

To help improve our program’s services for your facility, please complete this brief survey.

Please rate the extent to which you agree with the statements below:

UF Behavioral Health Hub communicates with primary care practice(Required)
UF Behavioral Health Hub provides direct behavioral health services to our patients(Required)
UF Behavioral Health Hub provides case management services (e.g. referrals)(Required)
I am satisfied with the overall behavioral health services provided through UF Behavioral Health Hub(Required)

Behavioral health integration/collaboration of UF Behavior Health Hub with our primary care practice has led to:

Improved access to behavioral health care services(Required)
Improved quality of behavioral health care services(Required)
Increase in primary care clinician’s ability to manage behavioral concerns(Required)
Improved physical health care follow-up / continuity of care(Required)
Decreased medical costs(Required)
Decreased stigma surrounding behavioral health(Required)