Young Adult Satisfaction Survey

This survey is for young adults (age 18-21 years)  to complete.

We would like to know how you feel about the services we provided so we can make sure we are meeting your needs. Your response will help us to improve our services. There is no right or wrong answer. We are asking for your honest opinions. In no way will your response affect your treatment here. Thank you for your time!

This code will be provided by your UF Care Coordinator. Please DO NOT use Patient's Name or Date of Birth, DO NOT use Patient's Medical Record Number, DO NOT use Patient's SS#.

For each statement, please select the response that best describes your answer:

I am satisfied with the services the UF Behavioral Health Hub provided to me.(Required)
I am comfortable completing the behavioral health screening questionnaire.(Required)
The UF Behavioral Health Hub responded to my need(s).(Required)
I am willing to work with the UF Behavioral Health Hub again if I need it.(Required)